Diastema, resina composta, restauração direta e estéticaResumo
Introdução: O diastema possui acometimento multifatorial. A reabilitação com materiais restauradores revela-se com uma adequada solução para casos dessa natureza. A resina composta é uns dos materiais de escolha com propriedades estéticas satisfatórias, uma vez que promove um biomimetismo com os dentes naturais. Objetivo: Ressaltar a importância da previsibilidade do tratamento para a escolha acertada de materiais e técnicas, de forma a trazer naturalidade e devolver a harmonia do sorriso através de procedimento odontológico minimamente invasivo, capaz de alcançar resultados positivos nos aspectos funcionais, estéticos e psicológicos da paciente. Relato de caso: Paciente K.A.S, gênero feminino, 25 anos, brasileira, ASA I, cor parda, procurou a clínica de Odontologia da faculdade FIMCA/Unicentro em Jaru/RO relatando estar descontente com seu sorriso e queixando-se principalmente do espaço entre os dentes anteriores superiores. Discussão: O tratamento do diastema com a técnica de restauração direta com resina composta é baseado em um planejamento pessoal. Em alguns casos, podemos lançar mão da ortodontia para solucioná-los. Na situação ora exposta, a paciente já havia sido submetida a ortodontia sem resultado satisfatório, sendo-lhe então indicada a técnica restauradora para finalização do caso. Conclusão: Concluímos que o método apresentado alcançou os objetivos esperados. O fechamento de diastema com a utilização de resinas compostas, através da técnica direta, mostra-se vantajoso, porquanto preserva a estrutura dental, além de ser um procedimento minimamente invasivo, de baixo custo e que permite um adequado e rápido contorno.
Introduction: Diastema has multifactorial involvement. Rehabilitation with restorative materials proves to be an appropriate solution for cases of this nature. Composite resin is one of the materials of choice with satisfactory aesthetic properties, as it promotes biomimicry with natural teeth. Objective: To highlight the importance of treatment predictability for the right choice of materials and techniques, in order to bring naturalness and restore harmony to the smile through a minimally invasive dental procedure, capable of achieving positive results in the functional, aesthetic, and psychological aspects of the patient. Case report: Patient K.A.S, female, 25 years old, Brazilian, ASA I, mixed race, sought the Dentistry clinic at the FIMCA/Unicentro college in Jaru/RO reported that she was unhappy with her smile and mainly complaining about the space between the upper front teeth. Discussion: Diastema treatment with the direct restoration technique with composite resin is based on personal planning. In some cases, we can use orthodontics to solve them. In the situation presented here, the patient had already undergone orthodontics without satisfactory results and was then recommended the restorative technique to complete the case. Conclusion: We concluded that the presented method achieved the expected objectives. Diastema closure using composite resins, through the direct technique, is advantageous, as it preserves the tooth structure, in addition to being a minimally invasive, low-cost procedure that allows for adequate and rapid contouring.
Palavras-chave: Diastema, resina composta, restauração direta e estética.
Introduction: Diastema has multifactorial involvement. Rehabilitation with restorative materials proves to be na appropriate solution for cases of this nature. Composite resin is one of the materials of choice with satisfactory aesthetic properties, as it promotes biomimicry with natural teeth. Objective: To highlight the importance of treatment predictability for the right choice of materials and techniques, in order to bring naturalness and restore harmony to the smile through a minimally invasive dental procedure, capable of achieving positive results in the functional, aesthetic and psychological aspects of the patient. Case report: Patient K.A.S, female, 25 years old, Brazilian, ASA I, mixed race, sought the Dentistry clinic at the FIMCA/Unicentro college in Jaru/Ro reportinh that she was unhappy with her smile and mainly complaining about the space between the upper front teeth. Discussion: Diastema treatment with the direct restoration technique with composite resin is based on personal planning. In some cases, we can use orthodontics to solve them. In the situation presented here, the patient had already undergone orthodontics without satisfactory results, and was then recommended the restorative technique to complete the case. Conclusion: We concluded that the presented method achieved the expected objectives. Diastema closure using composite resins, through the direct technique, is advantageous, as it preserves the tooth structure, in addition to being a minimally invasive, low-cost procedure that allows for adequate and rapid contouring.
Key Words: Diastema, composite resin, direct and aesthetic restoration.
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